Running Groups
The main club run takes place on a Tuesday at around 6.30pm and we run in groups based on approximate minutes per mile pace. A guide is given in the table below.
Normally, groups 10 & 11 meet at 7.30pm on a Tuesday for the faster or late-night runners in the club but this is not currently being organised. Any new runners should speak to the club chairman or the captains who will help with selecting the right group. Ask any of the runners at the session to point you to the right person.
Each group is led by an experienced runner from the club. They will look after the group and agree the route with them on the night.
Group leader:
No special skills or coaching ability is required to be a group leader: all it needs is common sense and motivation. A group leader is a general runner within the club who has the initiative to head the group and just get them started on their run.
Group leaders will liaise with the coaches and follow through the plan set by the coach that is suitable for that group. There might be a specific type of session to follow, or it might just be a certain route in mind. The coach is there to make suitable suggestions. At the start of the run, the group leader should make it clear to all in the group what the plan for this particular run are – general route, likely terrain, approximate duration.This gives the opportunity for those who would prefer something else to take the appropriate action before committing themselves to this plan.
Group leaders will take an active part in the training session with the rest of the group and will be on hand to give encouragement all the way.
Anyone who is familiar with routes around Royston and has a passion for their sport can become a group leader, no previous qualifications necessary.
The more group leaders we have the more freedom there will be with leaders only needing to commit to as few or as many sessions as they wish.
If you are interested in becoming a group leader of any ability, please contact any committee member.