3k Relay and BBQ
Tuesday 25th June 2024
What is it?
The 3k relays are a longstanding club event run in memory of Sean Allen, a much-liked member and club captain who sadly passed away in 2012.
The format of the event is a handicap relay, meaning that teams of four runners are assembled based on estimated 3k times with the aim of all teams finishing closely. This means that regardless of ability, paired with other runners each team stands a chance of winning as good as the next.
On the day, runners are put in their predetermined teams and each team member will run one loop of the 3km route before handing over to their teammate. At the end of the event, we congratulate the winning team before enjoying a fine BBQ on what is always a balmy, sun drenched, Mediterranean-like June evening.
To summarise the evening, it is a fantastic, inclusive, relaxed and social event that gives people a chance to run with members they may not usually run with. It celebrates all that is great about club running and why we chose to run with others, and Sean was a man who epitomised what being a member of a running club is all about.