2024/25 Elected Committee
- Chairperson – Michael Morgan-Curran
- Vice Chairperson – Eric Taylor
- Secretary and Race Director – Ian Brown
- Minutes Secretary & Volunteer Coordinator – Tina Filby
- Treasurer – Lizzie Keam
- Membership Secretary – Sharon Windebank
- Lay Member – Isabel Marriage
- Comms Officer – Liz Eaton
- CMC Support – Adam Thomas
- CMC Support – Janet Rogers
- Volunteer Coordinator – Janet Rogers
- Club Kit Manager – Karl Cable
- Web Support – John Kazer
- Website WordPress Manager – Angela Baulk and Liz Eaton
- Men’s Captains – Brian Jones & Paul Haynes
- Ladies’ Captains – Ella Burrows & Lauren Reilly
- Female Welfare Officer – Ruth MacLeod
- Male Welfare Officer – Peter Worsey
- Chair of Social Committee – Angela Baulk
The committee is elected each year at the club AGM in October and meets on a monthly basis. In addition to this, the club has appointed 3 Trustees from outside the committee who represent the club in any contractual matters.
The committee oversees the general running of the club and its finances. They govern the club’s affiliation to the relevant running associations and competitive league associations.
There are also Race and Social Sub Committees that sit outside of the main committee and are made up of a selection of the main committee and also the general membership. They meet either monthly or as needs basis to focus on the organisation of the club’s events.
If you are interested in supporting the committee or subcommittee in any way please contact the club’s Chairperson.